From time to time, and with clarity about the problem you are seeking to solve, engaging an external consultant can support your organization in achieving solutions more quickly and effectively. We add value to your enterprise with our expertise in how we engage your people to find solutions that are the best solutions for your organization.

Our experience working with hundreds of organizations over the years, is that the solutions are always within the organization. Unblocking the barriers to getting the solutions brought forward is an experience and expertise that we have that you can rely on.

We keep our tools, techniques and processes simple and easy to duplicate. The reason for the simplicity is that we understand that simplicity is necessary so that the people in the system can handle the complexity of whatever the situation is. In other words, we don’t come in with complex processes and tools that confuse people and that add more complexity to a situation that may already feel overwhelming. We ensure that what we do is easy to duplicate by your people, developing capacity in your organization to use the tools, techniques and processes in the future. The simplicity allows us to go quickly from problem focus to solution focus.

Because we work to draw out the solutions in your people, including the solutions found in the conversations, we can assist you with a variety of problems. We have found that the most frequent challenges arise during times of transition such as:

  • a change process
  • an acquisition or merger
  • strategic planning
  • rapid growth
  • decline

Custom Problem Solving

We customize our recommended process to the organization and to the current situation. Frequently, organizations require:

  1. a revamping of their purpose, mission, and values – due to growth, expansion, mergers or funding contracts, problems arise when a disconnect occurs between the stated purpose, mission, and values with the experience of staff. Employees or members of a community need the purpose, mission and values to be relevant as important in staying engaged with what they have to contribute.
  2. conflict resolution – aside from a number of other contributing factors, conflict is often the result of the loss that accompanies constant change. People handle loss differently, and at different speeds. This affects what people talk about, what they can listen to, and how well they can work together or even get their work done. Initial unease can build into conflict. Conflict is costly to an organization.
  3. an upgraded operating matrix  – just as a computer needs to have upgrades to its operating platform for current software to be used, organizations need to have upgrades to their operating platform/operating matrix so that the people can work from their potential. Many problems within an organization are in reality only symptoms of people attempting to do their best within an obsolete operating system.

Getting Started

Contact us today for a complimentary 1-hour strategy session. During this session, we will assist you in clarifying the problem and the hoped for outcomes once the problem is solved. From this information, we can suggest some strategies for moving forward. We discuss with you what you could include in a scope of work if you are looking for external consultant assistance.