The Finnish may have the best description for the concept of Co-operation Partners. The word for Co-operation partners is "yhteistyökumppani" (yhteis=together, työ=work, kumppani=partner). People that come together and work for a common cause.

Historically, the worldwide work of Dalar International Consultancy has been strengthened by Co-operation Partners. Until recently, we referred to them as ‘associates’ who assisted us on particular projects or ‘sponsors’ who hosted our public offering workshops. The way we worked together was as equals for the purpose of making a greater impact than we or they could make alone. The greater impact was always in relation to a shared goal.

We continue to make greater impact with Co-operation Partners and want to let you know a little more about what this means for us, for our clients, and for people attending our public offering workshops for training and development.

Our Co-operation Partners are chosen carefully by us and must have:

  • Demonstrated alignment with Dalar’s purpose, values, commitment and vision
  • Demonstrated integrity
  • Be authorized trainers of the Genuine Contact program, a holistic approach to organizational success or do work that is in alignment with the core beliefs, principles and values of Genuine Contact
  • Demonstrated commitment to Co-operation Partnership as a way of increasing impact and results
  • Entered into an agreement with us for seamless benefit to clients and workshop participants with clear delineation of roles, expectations, and accountability for performance

Our Co-operation Partners are chosen by us when we know that such a partnership will provide greater impact for specific projects and for specific public offering workshops.

Meet Our Co-Operation Partners

We work with our co-operation partners on a per-project basis.  Partnerships are formed to best suit the client's needs including specific areas of expertise and geographic location.

  • Doris Gottlieb (Netherlands) - The Genuine Contact program is the foundation upon which all of my work in organizations and life is built.  It provides simple yet profound and elegant tools, frameworks and methods give people access to their own wisdom in facing their own challenges and creating their own opportunities.  The focus on nourishing leadership cultures has been invaluable to me and to those I work with.  I can't imagine working in any other way, it simply feels like home.
  • EPS Human Invest (Sweden) - The work we do so much resonate with Eva's own values, with simple but effective tools. Our facilitation helps our client to tap into their own potential. Whether we carry out an in-house development program or a workshop our participants find their own answers to solve whatever challenge they working to solve or overcome.
  • GC Tools (Sweden) - The shared learning and heightened competency that comes from moving into new challenges together are a great value of this relationship.  Our partnership gives the workshop participants and clients a wealth of experience from our more than 15 years of collaboration. We blend our different cultural perspectives into a colorful and creative diversity that brings about great results for our participants and clients.
  • Gesunde Organisationen (Healthy Organizations) - I feel honored to be a co-operation Partner of Dalar as they are amongst my most important teachers. The participants of the workshops in our common offerings have benefitted greatly from the holistic approach that Dalar stands for. Even years later I am still told how these people are applying what they have learned in their respective fields of work.
  • J Michael Vinson (Arkansas, USA) - We have worked together for many years on many projects and workshops, creating a greater impact than either party would achieve on their own. We are aligned in our values, in doing our best work to make a positive difference, and in our integrity.
  • klien + team  Holistische Organisationsberatung (Austria) - Dr. Isabella Klien admires Dalar’s work and commitment and shares their beliefs and values. Having worked with the GC Approach and having trained the GC Program since 2005 she has gained a lot of experience. Her special focus on ethical leadership delivers an additional benefit to her clients.
  • Open Space Consulting AB (Sweden) - I am happy and honoured to be a Co-operation Partner of Dalar International Consultancy. We know each other well from many years of collaboration, so we understand and respect each other. Together we deliver sustainable powerful results to our clients.
  • Providers of Goodness (Norway & Korea) - By becoming a co-operation partner with Dalar, we open up new possibilities in developing an international network and an Asian community, by working on leadership programs together.
  • Relasjonsutvikling SA (Norway) - In my Co-operation Partnership with Dalar I have access to a huge amount of competence even though I often work alone with my clients. This helps me to be more grounded and raises the quality of my work with our clients. Together, we are stronger through sharing knowledge and being helpful to each other.
  • Sabine Bredemeyer & Friends (Germany) - I highly appreciate the cooperation with Dalar International Consultancy and the holistic approach and program of Genuine Contact™ because the simple but highly effective tools for personal and organizational change help people to manage change processes with more ease and a high degree of inspiration.
  • TruthCircles (Germany) - While we - me and Dalar - work with the same Genuine Contact tools and approach, we each bring our unique way of working and asking questions. Our clients appreciate the holistic service they receive from us – whether they meet online or in person – they benefit from our ease, joy and professionalism.
  • U Eklund Consulting (Sweden) - If you want to create results with your members and customers and engage people in your organization the Genuine Contact Program will help you use the whole potential. The Dalar team has developed a program and tools that create potential for growth. I am happy for the co-operation and the learning.

Dalar International Consultancy is proud to be an organizational member of the international Genuine Contact Organization.  This global network of consultants, mentors, coaches, and leaders stewards the development of the Genuine Contact Program and supports its members in personal and professional development. The organization has more than 100 members.  Dalar's senior consultants - Birgitt Williams and Rachel Bolton - are proud to also be Co-Owner level members of the Genuine Contact Organization.

This cooperative relationship represents one of our core strategies for offering our clients the best consultants for every project we work on. Through this network, we work alongside trained facilitators and trainers living in more than a dozen countries, speaking many languages, and with a depth and breadth of experience that enables us to bring a variety of skills to every engagement.