It is important to Thomas Herrmann to have several co-operation partners both locally and internationally, to bring more capacity when needed. Every time he partners with Dalar it is of high benefit to his clients as they get access to Dalar’s expertise including vast international experience. Having worked with and alongside each other for more than 20 years has built deep trust and understanding between us.
Thomas became an authorized GC Trainer in 2001 and for more than 20 years all the work he does in his company is based on the Genuine Contact approach and program. The program has the methods and tools he find work best to access the innate wisdom in people and organizations to achieve their goals.
For more than 2 decades, Thomas Herrmann and Open Space Consulting have supported leaders and organizations to tap into their full potential. The mission of Open Space Consulting is to release life-force in people, organizations and society. It’s all there, why not use it?
Learn More About Thomas Herrmann
Owner/Senior Consultant
Open Space Consulting AB