When the Rules Get In the Way of Meeting Expectations

Attending a family welcome night at my daughter’s new school last night, I had an experience that I’ve had countless times in my life and my work. In the gym, filled with nervous and excited new students and their families, part of the presentation on “what to expect in middle school” included advice to get a planner to help track … Read More

Boundaries at Work

Last week we wrote about the importance of personal boundaries in team development. If you agree that personal boundaries at work are important, you might find yourself wondering “but what do those boundaries look like?”Your boundaries are a container.  Everything that is inside the container is what you are available for.  Everything that is outside of the container is what … Read More

Be In Your Power – What does it mean?

To be in your power. What picture does it bring up? Speaking up for yourself. Standing firmly for what you believe. Being clear about who you are. Speaking your truth.  Or maybe something else.  Maybe it sounds like personal development buzzwords that don’t really mean much to you. How about to be in your power as a leader? What does … Read More

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