Boundaries create the container in which we operate. They create the container for relationships to develop, the understanding between people of we expect to treat one another, they create the space for creativity and innovation within organizations as employees go about the business of fulfilling the organization's purpose and achieving its vision.
Yet boundaries are also one of the aspects of relationship that are not often discussed until after they have been violated. Boundaries are something that many people are not conscious of. If they are conscious of them, are not clear about how to hold those boundaries firmly, finding themselves instead reacting when they have been crossed.
Boundaries are a teaching of the Genuine Contact Program. They are explored at a personal level in the Individual Health and Balance and Holistic Leadership Development modules. They are explored at an organizational level as givens in all of the advanced modules of the program.
During this mentoring circle, we will be exploring boundaries from both a personal and organizational perspective, drawing upon our collective learnings in these modules and in our lived experience. It is an opportunity to mentor and be mentored by your peers in Genuine Contact to explore how to strengthen capacity in working with boundaries.
All you have to do to participate is register to join us. The pre-requisite is to have taken at least 1 GC workshop in which boundaries or givens are taught so that we have a common framework for our conversations.
The session will be facilitated using on-line meeting platform Blackboard Collaborate and facilitated using participatory meeting process Whole Person Process Facilitation. Login details will be sent to you in advance of the session.