Grandfather Energy

posted in: Genuine Contact

Annually we participate in the Genuine Contact Summer Academy in Europe. The Summer Academy includes an international mentoring circle, a peer to peer learning opportunity. One of the highlights for me this year was a grouping of the men in our circle who came together and concluded that their gift to the continued growth of our Genuine Contact organization was to consciously bring in grandfather energy.

Each of these men experienced a special shift in personal energy upon becoming a grandfather. One, a newer grandfather, spoke about re-configuring his sense of his life purpose in relation to being a grandfather. They felt that our organization would benefit from them taking on a grandfather role with the organization offering their love, kindness, wisdom, and sometimes comfortable silence.

Our organization already has self declared grandmother energy, including my choice for my own role with the organization. We have a wonderful team of leaders, an organization working to sustain a culture of leadership, and rather than retiring my involvement, I chose to offer grandmother energy. I have carried this role out for a few years and other women have also offered grandmother energy.

I am fascinated that we now have grandmother energy and grandfather energy consciously offered as gifts to support the growing organization. I believe this is a useful way of being in service, especially in support of the leadership of our organization.

In 1997, I visited a newly created Native American Medicine Wheel in Nova Scotia, Canada. I was the first guest. It was explained to me that the building of the wheel by men and women was the first Medicine Wheel in centuries created by grandmothers and grandfathers, integrating and declaring an era of the two energies coming together for the benefit of the human race. This felt right to me at the time. It feels right to me to be consciously working with grandfather and grandmother energy to support leaders and to support an organization.

Please let us know how you think leaders and organizations would benefit from the role of grandmothers and grandfathers. Leave a comment below!

Birgitt Williams
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Birgitt Williams is an international management and organizational solutions consultant, author, meeting facilitator, teacher, keynote speaker and executive coach. Her business focus is to create inspiring work environments that are highly effective in achieving their purpose and fulfilling their vision.

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