Achieving and Regenerating Organizational Health and Balance (Combination Learning) (2021)


Self Study + Real-Time Workshop + One-to-One Mentoring

For Executives, Facilitators, Consultants, Managers, Team Leaders, HR and OD specialists

Imagine knowing a simple way to diagnose the health and balance (well being) of your team or organization, and applying this knowledge on a regular basis. Yes, you can apply this knowledge from within the organization to develop baseline data about health and balance (wellness), and monitor progress over time. Further, the best plans for regenerating the health and balance of an organization are those that involve the people of the organization in the development of the plan. You will be equipped to help your people develop a regeneration plan as well as to develop plans for annual adjustments back to health and balance as needed. This leadership development and capacity development is valuable for helping your organization maintain agility, flexibility and resiliency. All of which is needed for thriving in today’s performance environment of constant change.

If you want to develop a culture of leadership, this knowledge is essential.

Purchasing the Achieving and Regenerating Organizational Health and Balance workshop from this page includes the self-study components as well as both the Real-Time workshop and the One-to-One mentoring sessions.  You can find the workshop with the self-study materials and only the Real-Time workshop or One-to-One mentoring session to purchase individually if one of these better suits your learning needs.


Self Study + Real-Time Workshop + One-to-One Mentoring + Mentoring Circle

For Executives, Facilitators, Consultants, Managers, Team Leaders, HR and OD specialists

Imagine knowing a simple way to diagnose the health and balance (well being) of your team or organization, and applying this knowledge on a regular basis. Yes, you can apply this knowledge from within the organization to develop baseline data about health and balance (wellness), and monitor progress over time. Further, the best plans for regenerating the health and balance of an organization are those that involve the people of the organization in the development of the plan. You will be equipped to help your people develop a regeneration plan as well as to develop plans for annual adjustments back to health and balance as needed. This leadership development and capacity development is valuable for helping your organization maintain agility, flexibility and resiliency. All of which is needed for thriving in today’s performance environment of constant change.

If you want to develop a culture of leadership, this knowledge is essential.

Skill and Capacity Development

In this learning program you will discover:

  • A practical holistic diagnostic framework for review, analysis, and assessment of your organization
  • Simple and duplicable tools for achieving and maintaining long-term organizational health
  • Knowledge of how to increase the capacity of your organization to work with these rapidly changing times
  • Working knowledge of simple to use multi-purpose tools: the Medicine Wheel Tool©, the Deep Essence Tool©, the Grief Cycle, the Organizational Lifecycle, and the Storyline
  • A completed organizational health and balance diagnosis of your organization, from your perspective (or from the perspective of your Management Team/Board if you attend together)
  • An understanding of the importance of relationships, that are based on genuine contact, to achieve results beyond your expectations
  • A peer-to-peer mentoring circle for ongoing learning

The learning program includes 5 segments. Approximate times for your work with each segment are suggested, totaling approximately 13 hours of guided learning.

  • Segment 1: Self-study video focused on your Business and/or Development Goal. Plan for 1 hour.
  • Segment 2: Self-study video focused on the Basics of Achieving Organizational Health and Balance. Plan for 3 hours.
  • Segment 3: Self-study video offers a Deeper Look at Working with Achieving and Regenerating Organizational Health and Balance. Plan for 3 hours.
  • Segment 4: includes both:
    • Real-Time Workshop: February 26, March 5 & 12, 2021 – 9:00 am – 12:30 pm EST.
    • One-to-One Mentoring Session. 3 hours. Date to be arranged with Birgitt Williams. For a leadership team going through this learning together, the one-to-one mentoring session is replaced by two group sessions with Birgitt Williams or Rachel Bolton of three hours each, date to be arranged. Can be booked either before or after your real-time workshop.
  • Segment 5: Real-time online  Mentoring Circle. 3 hours. November 26, 2021 – 9:00 am – 12:00 pm EST.

Prerequisite Learning

Registrants for Achieving and Regenerating Organizational Health and Balance must have completed the foundational workshop Path to Organizational Health and Balance.  This workshop is offered as a self-study program (register here). When you register for both Path to Organizational Health and Balance and Achieving and Regenerating Organizational Health and Balance at the same time, you will immediately receive a discount to save $50 off your registration fee for this workshop.