Genuine Contact Organization Workshop (December 2020)


Online Workshop: December 18, 19, 22 & 23, 2020 | 9am – 12:30 pm EST

All organizations are learning organizations. In some organizations, this learning is unconscious. It is learning by reacting to the latest needs and crisis. In other organizations, this learning is conscious. It is learning by responding and being adaptive to change, with opportunities to develop new skills and capacities and reflect on lessons learned.

Those that learn consciously operate as solution-focused, inspired, life-nurturing organizations that achieve sustainable high performance. These organizations are adaptive and agile. They take advantage of emergent opportunities. They create organizational solutions to challenges. They thrive.

You are invited to learn how a Genuine Contact Organization can support your organization to develop itself as a sustainable, solution-focused learning organization. Read the complete program description below and register today.

Terms & Conditions of Registration


Executives, Facilitators, Consultants, Managers, Team Leaders, HR, and OD specialists

Many jobs today require people to use leadership skills to get the job done…think of the leadership needed every day by customer service, IT, health service, and workers in specialty knowledge areas. The organizational culture that needs people to take leadership in their jobs and in teamwork needs to shift itself to one that nourishes a culture of leadership.

You are invited to learn how the organizational model, the Genuine Contact Organization, can support your organization to develop itself as an organization that supports and nourishes a culture of leadership.  During the learning intensive, you will have the opportunity to explore your thoughts about organizations beyond the focus of supporting organization-wide leadership so that the requirements of getting the job done well are in alignment with the organizational culture. You will also have the opportunity to examine the shift in culture in relation to:

  • using the shift to support a culture that is solution-focused
  • using what you learn to help your organization achieve sustainable high performance
  • using what you learn to achieve an adaptive and agile organization
  • using what you learn about how the organizational culture can support taking advantage of emergent opportunities
  • using what you learn to help an organization thrive

This upgrade to the next step in leadership will benefit you and your organization as you commit to creating greater responsiveness, agility, and flexibility in your organization. The resulting greater resilience is essential for the organization to quickly overcome challenges and make the most of opportunities as they present themselves. People will have a better understanding of the authority that they have to carry out their responsibilities, a critical dynamic in best performance of individuals and of teams.

Skill and Capacity Building

We invite you to learn, explore and strengthen your knowledge and capacity of the leadership you need for working with the organizational model Genuine Contact Organization. In the learning program you will discover:

  • Knowledge for developing an organization as a Genuine Contact Organization
  • Skills in working with the key ingredients of a Genuine Contact Organization to support a solution-focused climate
  • Understanding the role of ‘consciousness’ about the organization and its development
  • Knowledge of working with a liberating structure and a participatory architecture
  • A practical means for working with the information, knowledge, and wisdom that already exists in your organization and within your broad stakeholder involvement
  • An in-depth understanding of the meeting method Open Space Technology
  • An in-depth understanding of the meeting method Whole Person Process Facilitation
  • An in-depth understanding of the dynamics of repeated use of Open Space Technology in an organization
  • Using Open Space Technology and Whole Person Process Facilitation in the development of the Genuine Contact Organization
  • A working knowledge of practical and easily duplicable multi-purpose tools and frameworks for the development of the Genuine Contact Organization inclusive of: the Medicine Wheel Tool©, the Deep Essence Tool©, the Grief Cycle, the Organizational Lifecycle, the Storyline
  • Your own design to start the development of a Genuine Contact Organization
  • A peer-to-peer mentoring circle for ongoing learning

Your Complete Learning Package

The Genuine Contact Organization learning package includes a combination of self-study, real-time online learning, and mentoring circles to deepen learning through application.


The training video portion of this learning for self-study includes:

  • Segment 1: Self-study video focusing on your Business and/ or Development Goal. Plan for 1 hour.
  • Segment 2: Self-study video focusing on Welcome and Orientation to the Genuine Contact Organization module. Plan for 40 minutes.
  • Segment 3: Self-study video focusing on Organizations as Living Organisms. Plan for 1 hour.
  • Segment 4: Self-study video focusing on the Five Beliefs. Plan for 30 minutes.
  • Segment 5: Self-study video focusing on the Cycle of Transformation. Plan for 20 minutes.
  • Segment 6: Self-study video focusing on Considering What You Value. Plan for 1 hour.
  • Segment 7: Self-study video focusing on the Genuine Contact Organization. Plan for 4 hours.
  • Segment 8: Self-study video focusing on some Key Ingredients for a Solution-Focused Climate. Plan for 1 hour.
  • Segment 9: Self-study documents focusing on a case study of Process Design for Organizational Transformation. Plan for 2-3 hours.

Real-Time Learning

Real-time online workshop and mentoring circles to take a deep dive with your learning about the Genuine Contact Organization including developing a design that is unique to your understanding and your organization. This deep dive enhances your leadership capacity significantly for working with all types of organizations and for working with a culture of leadership. Participants take a deep dive into personal beliefs, assumptions, learning and unlearning. All four are needed for transformative personal and leadership development.

  • Segment 10: Real-time learning to take a deep dive with your learning about the Genuine Contact Organization including developing a design that is unique to your understanding and your organization. This deep dive enhances your leadership capacity significantly for working with all types of organizations and for working with a culture of leadership. Your learning is guided by Birgitt Williams. December 18, 19, 22, and 23, 2020 (9am – 12:30 pm EST)
  • Segment 11: Real-time Online Mentoring Circle. 3 hours. May 14, 2021, from 9 am to 12 noon EDT.

Pre-requisite Learning: There are 4 Genuine Contact modules necessary to attend the Genuine Contact Organization workshop.  It is not necessary to complete these workshops prior to your registration, however, you must complete them prior to the beginning of the workshop. All are available for online including self-study learning as well as real-time face to face workshops in different locations. Learn more about your options for completing the pre-requisites.