One Rule of Engagement–The Three Times and You are Out Rule

We all have personal rules for engagement with other people. We may be consciously aware of those rules, we may make them explicit, or they may be unconsciously conducted and definitely implicit instead of explicit. I made a point some years ago of studying my personal rules for engagement, making choices about the ones I wanted to keep for a … Read More

The Theme of Abandonment in Life, Work, and Leadership

As a coach and mentor, a frequent theme that emerges in discussions with clients is the theme of abandonment. As adults, as people in leadership positions, many people have their buttons pushed if they feel abandoned. Imagine how this plays out in the workplace in even simple ways. Someone is expecting a communication back from a peer. The email or … Read More

The Willingness to ‘Not Know’ Together

How willing are you, in your team, department, organization, family, and community…to not know together? Please imagine with me how much more open the conversations would be if we paused to say ‘At this moment, together we are in a state of ‘we don’t know’. In my experience, pausing and acknowledging ‘together, we don’t know’ or ‘we don’t know…together’ has … Read More

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